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Knowledge base article

I cannot send out messages using Outlook. Why?

Views: 2301

 As part of our anti-spam system you are required to check a pop3 mailbox on the server before attempting to send out e-mail messages using the SMTP server. If your messages won't go through, first please check your pop3 mailbox on the server for new messages and then you will have a 15 minute "window" for sending out emails using the SMTP server.
 If you still continue to experience difficulties, please contact out support team and include the exact error message that you receive.  If your mail client reports that the SMTP server could not be reached at all, it is possible that your local ISP is filtering your SMTP connections as part of their anti-spam system. In this case it is neccessary that you use their SMTP server for sending out messages. For details please contact your local ISP.

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